THE MAGIC OF NUTRITION™ teaches children the importance of good nutrition and
staying active using magic and illusion to create an educational and unforgettable
learning experience.
Along with the increased demand for nutrition education in schools, there is an ongoing dilemma on how to present these programs in a fun, interactive environment while capturing and maintaining the childrens' interest.

THE MAGIC OF NUTRITION™ is the perfect way to incorporate entertainment, audience participation and nutrition education to create an unforgettable learning experience.
Five main messages, consistent with
the current nutrition education objectives, are featured using of an engaging combination of illusion, comedy, live animals and audience participation.

They are:
1. The importance of eating breakfast
2. Increasing intake of fruits of vegetables
3. Healthy snacking
4. Decreasing soft drink consumption
5. Increasing activity

What: 45 minutes
Where: Your schools – the gym, lunchroom, auditorium or wherever students can be comfortably seated for each performance.
Why: Students need to be reached with effective nutrition education providing them with the opportunity to make healthy eating choices.
How: Arrange for a performance at your school by calling Todd at (215) 947-7383 or via email.
I guarantee everyone will have a fun, magical and educational experience!!
Read what schools, parents & kids say about THE MAGIC OF NUTRITION >>