THE MAGIC OF NUTRITION™ Founder & Performer
My name is Todd Kupper, RD, LDN ~ a.k.a. "Taddo"
I am a Registered Dietitian and a Licensed Nutritionist in the state of Pennsylvania. I am also an award-winning professional magician who has developed a unique program called THE MAGIC OF NUTRITION™ designed to combat the growing number of children and adolescents who are struggling with nutritional issues such as obesity, lack of activity and poor food choices.
My education in nutrition and my experience as a magician is a winning combination!
Along with the increased demand for nutrition education in schools, there is an ongoing dilemma on how to present these programs in a fun, interactive environment while capturing and maintaining the childrens’ interest.
Magic is the perfect way to incorporate comedy, audience participation and nutrition education to create an unforgettable learning experience.

I am also the author of "The Magic of Breakfast" an easy reader picture book for children ages 2-8. This book is a light-hearted tale of adventure mixed creatively with important facts about nutrition.